Friday, July 8, 2011
Pfizer Animal Health Partners with the Kentucky Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders on Equine Herpesvirus Type-1 Education Video
With the recent outbreaks of the neurological form of equine herpesvirus Type 1 (EHV-1), horse owners have been seeking information and advice on risks posed by this disease and methods to help protect their horses from exposure and infection. Pfizer Animal Health and the Kentucky Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders (KTOB) have developed a video to help educate horse owners and answer some of their questions on EHV-1. The video is now available above and on YouTube at
“In the wake of recent Equine Herpesvirus Myeloencephalophy (EHM) cases there is a great deal of information being disseminated to the public, it is our responsibility as Animal Health educators to make sure that information is accurate and easy to understand,” said Tom Lenz, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACT and Senior Director, Equine Veterinary Services for Pfizer Animal Health. “This equine herpesvirus video is intended to answer questions that horse owners may have concerning the disease. Horse owners are still encouraged to use their veterinarian as their main resource and contact them with any questions regarding this disease or any health concerns with their horse.”
The equine herpesvirus video features three renowned veterinarians including Dr. Kenton Morgan, Veterinary Services at Pfizer Animal Health, Dr. Doug Byars, an expert in veterinary disease and Dr. Craig Carter, Director of the University of Kentucky Diagnostic Laboratory. Dr. Byars is board certified in internal medicine and veterinary critical care, and previously was a long time director of the Hagyard Davidson, & McGee Medicine Department in Lexington, KY. Dr. Carter is a board certified epidemiologist and his lab runs more equine herpesvirus tests than any other lab in North America. Dr. Carter is recognized as a world authority on testing equine herpesvirus.